Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Love when you are alive

Yesterday the scholarship students went to some kind of orientation. Well everything were cool except the microphone had a problem during the speeches. It was the first time that I felt full after having my breakfast. Also there was a ministry of education there for the opening ceremony.

Today there were some wonderful speeches by powerful 2 ladies. At the last speech the woman whom introduced how to dream and how to make true showed as one video. Before these speeches I didn't really like to go for these kind of speeches. However it was awesome. I felt in my sea of thoughts.

Just a moments ago I watched this again. So that I found out how weak bastard am I.
I have a dream.

The reason that I gave subject as Love when you are alive is because, when I was watching  it I remembered one of Mongolian famous poem.

All together to the TOP


  1. be at the present, do what you like.

  2. Dude, you sound soooo suicidal. Are you feeling okay? I'm not gonna say any suggestions, but you do sound blue. Write me, you know my address.
