Sunday, April 25, 2010

Time is so fast

Yesterday was kind of having-fun day with my friends. We haven't been here for a long time; however, at the moment of writing those who are studying at Kyunghee and here I in Yonsei are very close friends and seems it will last until my life ends.

Before a cinema we were having a chat as usual. Like phylosophy, politics so on. When we were talking about the future like 5 years later I found I am not a kid anymore that maybe in next few years I need to write invitation for my wedding :D

The people those surrounding me are brilliant people that gives me energy everydays. Like the 3 girls mentioned above, my family, friends, students staying at our dormitory, my roommate, next-room-classmate, classmate so on.
I am happy that I have met these people. Life gives everyone a gift, whether to open the box or not is your choice. I recommend open it. Because it is gift. Also try to give gift to others who doesn't have it.
I will work as hard as possible to make others find their doors.

It is today. Tomorrow, the day after day tomorrow, someday there will be my time to go out of this universe. Until that moments comes I won't stop believing, thinking, working, learning,,.

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